Jill Kerslake

Jill's journey into nutrition coaching is a personal one that for her started in the gym. As a new gym goer, she had the goal of building strength but just was not making progress. When she started learning about her nutrition, she realized quickly that she just was not eating enough to build muscle. That was the catalyst to her interest and education in nutrition. After getting her Precision Nutrition and WAG certification, she began working with clients to help them move closer to their goals.

While her passion for nutrition is fuelled from her experience, she is equally motivated by the progress her clients are able to make using the same strategies. She is especially knowledgeable in recipes and meal prep and runs the @tacic_eats instagram page where she posts recipes and meal prep ideas! She works part time as a respiratory therapist and has experience with the difficulty of shift work.

Jill has turned herself into an athlete and has competed in CrossFit events and is now beginning to dabble in the endurance world. She believes that nutrition can have a transformative effect on people's lives and she aims to help her clients discover who they are and what they are capable of achieving. 

You can find Jill online @jkerslake19.

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