The Tactic Guide to Protein

Probably THE number one question we get is how to get in more protein. So here you go.
Protein is the one you have to work for. You have to plan for it, you usually have to keep it cold, and most of it requires cooking before you can eat it.
A “good” protein source will have about 12-15g of protein per 100 calories.
A lot of people inadvertently increase their calorie intake when increasing protein from animal sources because many of those sources also contain fat. Fat is calorically more dense than protein or carbohydrates - it provides more than twice as many calories per gram. While fatty protein sources are ok for folks trying to bulk or gain muscle, they should be monitored for people looking to maintain or reduce body fat.
You’ll notice most plant based proteins also contain medium to high amounts of carbohydrates - but that’s less of a concern because the combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber is extraordinarily difficult to over-consume (this has been observed in free feeding studies). Find us someone who can gain weight eating lentils more than once a day and we’ll eat our hats.
You know what’s not on the list? Nuts. Nuts are not a good source of protein. They are a good option for healthy fats.
If you’re wondering which of these categories would best suit your needs, start by understanding what your calorie needs are. Then figure out how much protein you need (calculated based on body weight) and subtract that from total calories. The balance of calories goes to carbohydrates and fats which is determined on an individual basis.