Kayla Lawson

Kayla has been teaching or coaching in some capacity since graduating college in 2013. With a degree in Special Education, Kayla started teaching high school, but after a few relocations began working one on one with children and young adults with special needs. In 2018, alongside training her clients, Kayla began coaching CrossFit.

Through coaching and training, Kayla encountered countless nutrition questions and began researching and learning as much as she could. Joining Tactic in 2022 for her own coaching really sealed the deal that nutrition and mindset was the missing link in her own health and wellness - she started thinking about how that could be the case for others.

Wanting to pursue this further, Kayla obtained her Precision Nutrition Level 1 and started implementing elements of nutrition and mindset coaching with her clients.

In early 2024, Kayla began working for Tactic through their Junior Coaching Program and is excited to continue working to help clients achieve success, whatever that may look like for them!

In her free time, Kayla enjoys walking her dogs, tackling long, grindy workouts, reading, and hosting game nights.

You can find her on instagram @kayla0134

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